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Morwenna Collett

5 successful factors for inclusive music organisations

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

1.Get started

We all need to start somewhere with accessibility. Consider ‘achievable accessibility’ – what are the financially viable ideas you can put in place right now? Look for solutions to problems, think about Universal Design and consider all impairment types. You don’t have to tackle everything at once – dive in and start wherever makes the most sense for your organisation.

2. Research, listening and feedback

Listen, get to know your audience and artists and find out what they need. Ask questions, don’t make assumptions, consult widely and tune into the voices of those with lived experience. Ask about access requirements and get comfortable talking about disability. Pay people for their sharing their expertise with you.

3. Improve culture and responsibility

Build organisation-wide commitment to and a positive culture around accessibility. Appoint a lead for access work but ensure that access is considered by the whole organisation. Include more disabled people in your workforce and volunteer base. Use internal champions and seek external expertise when required.

4. Planning and continuous improvement

Consider access right from the start and plan ahead. Include access in project plans and budget templates, develop a Disability Action Plan and start a Disability Advisory group. Collect diversity data, analyse it and use it to make informed decisions about your programmes.

5. Connect and keep learning

Don’t work in isolation - learn from other organisations and share resources. Collaborate with partners and work with consultants. Join a networking group, attend a conference and put access on the agenda for your regular forums. Train your staff, understand your legislative requirements and stay up to date.

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